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Delta Mole Mapping

Private Skin Cancer Screening

243, Holderness Road

HULL, East Yorkshire


01482 441635/  07780 161555


What is normal?

Moles are small, coloured spots on the skin. Most people have them and they're usually nothing to worry about unless they change size, shape or colour.

Most moles are harmless

Most harmless moles are round or oval-shaped, with a smooth edge. They can be flat or raised and may feel smooth or rough. Sometimes they have hair growing from them.

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It is normal for:

* babies to be born with moles

* new moles to appear - especially in children and teenagers

* moles to fade or disappear as you get older

* moles to get slightly darker during pregnancy

When to get medical help?

It is important to get medical help if ity:

* changes colour

* gets darker or has more than 2 colours

* starts itching, crusting flaking or bleeding

* gets larger or more raised from the skin

These changes can happen over weeks or months. They're sometimes a sign of melanoma - a type of skin cancer

NHS Choices

Where to get medical help?

Your GP

If you are concerned  about skin blemishes, lesions or moles you can see your GP for initial assessment and advice. Your GP may refer you for detailed screening as appropriate

Private Screening

Logo Delta Mole Mapping
Delta Mole Mapping provides rapid  specialist assessment using state of the art technology to carry out full body MOLE  MAPPING. This is linked with DERMOSCOPY to provide comprehensive  and detailed opinion. 

Early diagnosis is critical to the best outcomes. In most cases we can provide reassurance and advice on prevention. We can also deliver monitoring over time with remarkable accuracy in measuring changes.  

Where necessary, fast-track referrals can be made for hospital treatment- ensuring optimal outcomes with early diagnosis a vital factor.


The NHS website contains a great deal of information about  skin cancers and melanoma.